
Tag Archives: field

A special vineyard;The story of our lives – Part 5;
Summary In continuation of our series on the story of our lives, we conclude with a special people referred to in Scriptures as the vineyard.  The creator [...]
The story of our lives (Part 4) – All the trees
Genesis 23:17 …and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made sure In the previous discussions we saw the [...]
The story of our lives (Part 3) – Death comes for us all
A Cave Genesis 23:9 … the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field… At the end of the field is a cave that served as a burying [...]
The story of our lives (Part 2) – The field of life
Summary In my last post on ‘the story of our lives’, we looked at the significance of Abraham’s purchase from the children of Heth [...]
I will lay me down, for I know my trouble shall pass
When a gale doth wail and the day turns night When the heavens dry up and the sun doth char I will lay in my field, for I know they’ll pass   When the [...]