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Hear O Israel, your real enemy is the Hyksos of Canaan, not Esau - Condir Hear O Israel, your real enemy is the Hyksos of Canaan, not Esau - Condir "zone name","placement name","placement id","code (direct link)" direct-link-1966439,DirectLink_1,23667452,

Hear O Israel, your real enemy is the Hyksos of Canaan, not Esau

August 12, 2017 - Hebrews, Our time



Ancient Egyptian history has always fascinated us. The monuments erected to their ‘god-like’ pharaohs are a testament to the absolute power they wielded over the people. Among them, the Hyksos Pharaohs of the 15th – 17th dynasties attract our fascination. These Pharaohs of ‘foreign origin’ suddenly emerged from the Canaan and sat on the throne. Their rule lasted less than two centuries, but they forever changed the history of the region and Beyond. Just as their appearance was, they seemingly vanished after their eviction from Egypt.

In this article, I use scriptures and history to draw a timeline of their rule and role in Hebrew slavery before their expulsion from Egypt. The Israelites were subjected to hard labor for 210 years before the exodus. Genetic analysis suggests that descendants of the Hyksos later emerged in the New World and began a nearly 400 year affliction of the ‘African Negro’.

America is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. Every Friday evening, the brightly lit streets of the major cities are bustling with life. Fun seekers and party goers dressed in their best attires add glamor to the evening sights. The sound of revelers and young intoxicated adults fill the air. And then there is the unexpected sight of Hebrew Israelites on the streets proclaiming the end of the Israelite captivity. Their voices are strong and loud, their message is clear and unbridled.

They declare the judgement of Edom, the captivity of the captive, God’s judgement on those that afflicted His anointed. No Caucasian that comes their way is spared the cutting edge of their tongue. Passers by are mocked and berated for all the atrocities their ancestors committed against the Israelites. Sometimes their choice of words is cringe worthy and colorful. Many a white folk leave those encounters in a fit of rage or in a pool of tears. The Israelites relish the pain of the Edomite and make it a point to remind them that their pain has not even begun yet. With much gusto, they post video clips of these encounters on Youtube under very flowery titles.

Those videos are what got me thinking, are all white men really Edom? Why is that so when we know that all black men are not Israelites. If all white men are Esau, all Arabs are Ishmael and all Chinese are Moab, then where is Japheth, Canaan and the rest of the non-Israelite Hebrews? Something was not adding up. That led me to study Esau (here) and Canaan (to be posted later). In the process, I learnt a few things about the slavery in Egypt; which I now present in this article.

430 Years Sojourn in Egypt

The KJV Bible version

The 400 years of affliction that the Most High spoke to Abraham about has always been linked to their time in Egypt.

And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years. – Genesis 15:13

The Bible however says that the Children of Israel spent 430 years there.

Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt. – Exodus 12:40-41

This passage has often been used to confirm that the children of Israel were enslaved for 400 years in Egypt. That theory however is plagued by a number of issues. For one, we know that Joseph ruled for 71 years after Israel arrived in Egypt. Since slavery did not start until after Joseph’s death, 430 – 71 years is 359 years; which is significantly less than 400 years. If we consider that there may have been several to many years between Joseph’s death and the onset of slavery, the period of slavery gets even smaller still. I will not bother to go through the other factors that make the 400 years period unattainable.

We can only come to one of two conclusions:

  1. The 430 years given in the Bible is inaccurate or,
  2. The 400 years of slavery in a foreign land was not referring to Egypt.

Naturally, I think option 2 is the correct conclusion. In fact, there is nowhere in the Bible where the Israelites mentioned that slavery in Egypt fulfilled the 400-year period that God warned Abraham about. That interpretation is a product of modern church theology. I will identify the 400-year slavery later in the post.

The Septuagint Bible version

And the sojourning of the children of Israel, while they sojourned in the land of Egypt AND THE LAND OF CHANAAN, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass after the four hundred and thirty years, all the forces of the Lord came forth out of the land of Egypt by night. – Exodus 12:40-41 (Septuagint)

This verse indicates that the 430 years countdown began in Canaan and not Egypt. I have seen articles where people talk about the promise made to Abraham based on Galatians 3:17 as the starting point of the timeline

And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. – Galatians 3:17

This passage doesn’t however mention Abraham. The promise of the covenant was made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; any of them could be referred to in this passage. Exodus 12 on the other hand specifically mentions Israel (Jacob) as the starting point of the 430 years. I am of the opinion that the 430 years timeline is from the moment Israel moved into Canaan from Padan-aram in Mesopotamia.

The Egyptian 400 years-long slavery myth

I suspect that you already realize from the above subsections that it is impossible for the Israelites to have been enslaved for 400 years in Egypt. So what are the other possibilities? How many years did they really suffer in Egypt? I believe the Apocrypha, specifically the book of Jasher has an interesting narrative.

And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides the little ones and their wives. Also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks and herds, even much cattle. And the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in the land of Egypt in hard labor, was two hundred and ten years. And at the end of two hundred and ten years, the Lord brought forth the children of Israel from Egypt with a strong hand. – Jasher 81:1-4

According to the book of Jasher, Israel was in bondage with hard labor (Exodus 1:13) for 210 years in Egypt not 400. This appears to contradict the standard church doctrine. Does this make the book of Jasher a heretic’s fantasy book? Or perhaps the Church was wrong all along?

Before we examine the validity of this books account, let us examine what it implies by doing some calculations below.

Timeline in Egypt

The first 103 years

Jacob (Israel) left Padan-aram (Genesis 33:18) just before Joseph was 7 years old since Benjamin was born in Canaan (Genesis 35:18-19). 10 years later at the age of 17, his brothers sold him into Egypt (Genesis 37:2-28).

He then stood before Pharaoh after another 13 years at which time he became Prime minister (Vizier) at the age of 30 years. Let us summarize everything so far.

Joseph became Vizier 23 (10 + 13) years after Jacob left Mesopotamia.

After Joseph became Vizier, there were 7 years of plenty and Jacob came to Israel in the 2nd year of the famine that followed; 9 years after Joseph became Vizier. This would be in Josephs 39th birthday year.

Joseph ruled in Egypt for another 71 years till he died at the age of 110 years.

So, let us summarize again.

The period between Jacobs departure from Mesopotamia to the death of Joseph is:

23 + 9 +71 = 103 years

We know that the time between arrival in Canaan and the Exodus is exactly 430 years. The time that Israel dwelt in Canaan till the death of Joseph accounts for the first 103 years of the 430.

This leaves 430 -103 = 327 years unaccounted for.

The last 228 years

To be able to place a date on the Biblical events, we need to go all the way back to Solomon where the dating is globally agreed upon.

Dating the Jordan crossing

The Hebrews crossed Jordan around 1406 BC. This date is highlighted in The Pattern of Prophecy.

The Crossing of the Jordan River occurred approximately 1407/1406 BC.  We know this

from a key chronological marker recorded in the book of Kings.  The year Solomon began to build the Temple is given both in terms of the exodus from Egypt as well as the year of Solomon’s reign:

1Kings 6:1 And it came to pass in the 480th year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD.

It was established in Thiele’s “Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings” that the fourth year of Solomon corresponds to 967/966 BC.  Therefore the date of the Exodus must be

967 / 966 BC + 480 years = 1447 / 1446 BC = EXODUS

And since the Crossing of the Jordan took place 40 years later:

1447 / 1446 BC – 40 years = 1407 / 1406 BC = CROSSING OF JORDAN

Moses life as a timeline app

We know from the Bible that Moses lived his first 40 years in Pharaoh’s court and the next 40 years in the wilderness with his father-in-law’s family. At age 80, Moses returned to lead Israel out of Egypt and spent the next 40 years wandering with them in the wilderness. At age 120 years, Moses stood on mount Nebo and beheld the land flowing with milk and Honey and died soon after. In the year of his death, the children of Israel crossed the Jordan River.

If we use the 1446 exodus as reference, we can calculate which Pharaoh was in power in Egypt.

Since Moses was in Midian for 40 years before the exodus, then he fled Egypt around

1446 + 40 years = 1486 BC.

Moses was already 40 years old when he fled from Egypt, so he was born 40 years earlier in:

1486 +40 years = 1526 BC.

The year 1526 is a mere nine years after Ahmose I kicked out the 17th dynasty Hyksos rulers in Thebes and reunified Egypt. The 15th -17th Hyksos dynasties had been in power 139 years (1674-1535 BC) before Ahmose I kicked them out of Thebes.

Which Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites?

To answer this question, we will have to do a little more mathematics.

First, let us do a recap. The exodus occurred in 1446 BC.

Assuming Jasher is right about 210 years of slavery with hard labor, 210 years of slavery ending in 1446 would have started in:

1446 + 210 years = 1656 BC.

That is a mere 18 years after the Hyksos came to power in Egypt in 1674 BC. That indicates that the Hyksos started the slavery of the Israelites soon after they came to power.

Note that this calculation would disprove the theory that the Hyksos were the Hebrew Israelites. It is highly unlikely that the same people would both rule and be slaves in the same country at the same time. It also explains why the Hyksos migrations occurred around the Israelites migrations periods.

Israel from Hyksos dynasty to the Exodus

Ok, so Moses was born nine years after the end of the Hyksos dynasty and the exodus happened when he was 80 years old. This means that Israel was a slave for

80 + 9 = 89 years after the 18th dynasty began.

If we add the 139 years of the Hyksos dynasty, we get

139 + 89 = 228 years

So, let me put that into full Hebrew Israelite experience.

There were 228 years between the rise of the Hyksos and the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. All of the Israelites slave experiences occurred within this time period.

The dating of Joseph’s life and death

We know the first 103 years and the last 228 Hyksos and slavery years. This leaves


430 – 103 – 228 = 99 years gap between the death of Joseph and the rise of the Hyksos dynasty.

That would put Josephs death at about

1674 BC (start of Hyksos rule) + 99 years = 1773 BC.

Joseph’s influence in Egypt lasted 80 years (71 with Israel in Egypt + 9 before he arrived) till the time of his death (1853 -1773 BC). This would place Joseph lifetime in the Middle Kingdom between the 12th and 13th dynasties in Egypt. Jasher 58:1-3 does indicate that Joseph ruled in Egypt under at least two Pharaohs.

The first ruler of the 13th dynasty was the son of Amenemhat IV of the 12th dynasty.

Israel's 430 year in Canaan and Israel.

Timeline of Israel’s sojourn in Canaan and Egypt (not to scale)

Joseph lived in one of the most stable Periods in Egypt

I searched for any significant Egyptian events between 1853 and 1773. Here is a description of that period by Wikipedia:

The chronology of the 12th dynasty is the most stable of any period before the New Kingdom. The Ramses Papyrus canon (1290 BC) in Turin gives 213 years (1991–1778 BC).

The coincidence of the end of that era with the life of Joseph is not lost on me. If this date is truly accurate, then both Abraham and Isaac resided in Egypt during this dynasty era as well. Was their presence a stabilizing factor in the Kingdom?

Bahr Yussef in Egypt

One very fascinating fact I found during this era is the Bahr Yussef (meaning waterway of Joseph in Arabic). The name refers to the Prophet Yusuf, the Quran’s equivalent of the Biblical Joseph. In ancient times, this waterway used to be known as the Great Canal linking the Nile to the Fayyum in Egypt.

Here’s the best part, it was built by the Pharaoh Amenemhat III who ruled for 46 years (from 1860 – 1814 BC). This waterway was eventually finished by his son Amenmehat IV bringing prosperity to Fayum. The area became a breadbasket for the country and continued to be used until 230 BC (Wikipedia). This reign of Amenemhat III starts six years before Joseph’s rule begins as calculated above and it was considered the golden age of the Middle Kingdom. Could the biblical Joseph have had anything to do with this?

Is it a coincidence that this Pharaoh would build a waterway that the Arabs call the waterway of the prophet Joseph? Are we on to something here?

War and Peace in Egypt

Under Amenemhat III and indeed his father Senusret III, Egypt had long periods of peace and rest from military campaigns. There is only one record of a military mission guided by the mouth of Nekhen Zamonth who went with a small troop and reported that nobody died when going back south.

There is a fascinating story in Jasher 58:14-30 that describes a war that Joseph fought. The sons of Esau assembled a confederation of several nations numbering 800,000 men, infantry and cavalry to fight Joseph and Egypt. Joseph on the other hand took only 600 men (small troop?) with him. At the end of the battle, 200,300 of the enemy were dead, no Israelite but 12 Egyptians had died in battle. Afterwards, there were no more wars till the end of Joseph’s life.

And Joseph, king of Egypt, and his brethren, and all the children of Israel dwelt securely in Egypt in those days, together with all the children of Joseph and his brethren, having no hindrance or evil accident and the land of Egypt was at that time at rest from war in the days of Joseph and his brethren. – Jasher 58:30

It is interesting to note that the Vizier Zamonth of who very little is known guided the mission. We do know that he had two sons, one of who also was said to have became Vizier after him. I find no biblical confirmation for this though, so please take the possible link with a grain of salt.

Egyptian era dating issues

My calculations put Joseph’s reign between 1853-1773 starting under the reign of Amenemhat III. I have seen a few articles that date Joseph’s rule in Egypt about 40 years earlier under Pharaoh Senwosret III (Senusret III); father of Amenemhat III. Unfortunately, I have not seen the calculations that led to their conclusions so I am unable to comment on it. It is possible that they simply added 430 years to the Exodus date of 1446 giving their 1876 BC arrival of Israelites in Egypt. If you know, please feel free to share with me.

Even if this were so, there still isn’t 400 years of slavery between entry and exodus from Egypt.

The only way 400 years of slavery is possible is if it began by their 30th year in Egypt. I doubt that however since 70 people couldn’t have multiplied enough to fill the land (Exodus 1:7) in such a short time. Remember, this fruitfulness was a major excuse for slavery in the first place (Exodus 1:9-10). Besides, Exodus 1:6 states that Joseph died before the slavery began; that is 71 years after entry into Egypt.

Also note that different researches have slightly different start and end dates for the reigns of the various dynasties.

The Hyksos

Enslavement began with the Hyksos, not the ancient Egyptians

By my calculations, it was the Hyksos who enslaved the Hebrew Israelites in Egypt. Am I suggesting that it was not the black Hamites of Egypt who started enslaving Israel? Yes, that is what I am saying; especially if you believe the book of Jashers account of 210 years of hard labour.

Why do I believe this account? Several factors sway my thoughts on this. I discuss some of them further in the post, but first, I want to point to something in the scriptures.

Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. – Exodus 1:8

The Hyksos did not care about nor recognize Joseph

We often assume that this king in Exodus 1:8 didn’t know Joseph because many years had passed since his death. I do not think that is what the passage is implying. Let me use modern examples to explain. Today is August 8th 2017. I am not 100 years old yet, but I know what happened during the First World War. I was not alive then, but I read about them and saw photographs of the battles. For the same reasons, I know about Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the great who died over 2 millennia ago.

Why am I using these examples? Well, my point is this, I know about people who lived thousands of years ago because I read about them. Likewise, people could read in Egypt, if you do not believe that, take a tour of the hieroglyphs of Egypt.

The Hyksos read about Joseph, but guess what, they weren’t impressed. To them, he was just a character that died 99 years earlier. He was history that was no longer relevant. The Hyksos wanted to create a new history in Egypt, not to honour ‘ancient’ Egyptian icons. The Hebrew word used for ‘know’ in Exodus 1:8 also means to care or to recognise. Putting this into the passage gives it a totally new meaning:

Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which cared or recognized not Joseph

Like many colonizing powers, the Hyksos were foreigners who did not recognize the history or culture of the colonized Egyptians. They were intent on making their own history and wiping away the name and remembrance of the original indigenous people. I bet most of us can recognize the scenario from what has happened in America and Australia.

History notes that the Hyksos tried to destroy the Egyptian religions, smashed images of Egyptian Gods and roasted sacred animals in the fire and ate them. They then put Israel in bondage as a means to prevent them from joining the locals in rebellion (Exodus 1:10).

The Hyksos were Canaanites

The Egyptians knew very well where these foreign invaders and rulers came from. Below are a few statements I picked up online.

Kamose, the last king of the Theban 17th Dynasty, refers to Apophis as a Chieftain of Retjenu (i.e., Canaan) in a stela that implies a Canaanite background for this Hyksos king. Khyan’s name “has generally been interpreted as Amorite Hayanu (reading h-ya-a-n), which the Egyptian form represents perfectly, and this is in all likelihood the correct interpretation”, says Ryholt.* Ryholt, furthermore observes that the Assyrian lists of kings record the name Hayanu for a “remote ancestor” of Shamshi-Adad I (c.1800 BC) of Assyria, which suggests that it had been used for centuries prior to Khyan’s own reign


Some scholars have a different opinion of which branch of Canaanites constituted the Hyksos:

Contemporary with the Hyksos, there was a widespread Indo-Aryan expansion in central and south Asia. The Hyksos used the same horse-drawn chariot as the Indo-Aryans, and Egyptian sources mention a rapid conquest. The German Egyptologist Wolfgang Helck once argued that the Hyksos were part of massive Hurrian and Indo-Aryan migrations into the Near East. According to Helck, the Hyksos were Hurrians and part of a Hurrian empire that, he claimed, extended over much of Western Asia during that period. In a 1993 article, Helck admitted that there is no evidence of a grand-scale Hurrian invasion, but noted the possibility of a sea invasion of Indo-European peoples, mainly from Anatolia. However, this hypothesis is not supported by most scholars.

Most scholars believe the Hyksos came in gradually over a long period of time until they had enough numbers to chose a king and enforce his authority over the rest of the country. This is akin to what the Europeans did in the Americas.

The historian Josephus narrates an account of two Hyksos exodus into Canaan around the time of the 16th dynasty. Egyptian records also indicate that there was an exodus of Lepers around this time. This would be at least 100 years before the biblical Moses was born and just before the 18th dynasty began.

I do not think many people have doubts about the Canaanite origins of the Hyksos.

Post-Hyksos Era

New Kingdom Dynasty

The Second Intermediate Period (15th -17th dynasty) of the Hyksos ruled Egypt for about 139 years and was succeeded by the 18th dynasty (first of the New Kingdom) also known as the Thutmosid Dynasty that eventually unseated them.

We do not know how much the genetics of Egypt was affected by the foreign Hyksos pharaohs of the Second Intermediate Period. The Bible indicates that they attempted to control the genetics of the Hebrews by drowning the male children in the Nile (Exodus 1:22). It is unclear what strategy if any was adopted to alter the gene pool within the main Egyptian population itself.

History teaches us that every occupying force attempts to destroy the indigenous gene pool as a means to perpetuate their empire. I doubt the Hyksos would have been the exception.

Where the New kingdom Pharaohs descended from the Hyksos?

Were the 18th dynasty pharaohs the original ancient Egyptians returning to power? Or were they just another opportunistic usurper taking advantage of a weakened Hyksos dynasty. Perhaps they were even descendants of the Hyksos who just craved power for themselves. Or perhaps they were mixed breed offsprings of Hyksos royals with Indigenous Egyptian women.

The mummified remains of Ramesses II (19th dynasty) suggest that he had natural red hair, aquiline nose and a strong Jaw. All these are features associated with the Hyksos. I do take those features with a bit of caution however. Facial reconstruction from the mummy doesn’t look anything like the face on the statues of Ramesses II. It is interesting that the Assyriologist Sayce believes that the Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty were Aryans (Amorites). His conclusions could be influenced by the widely held belief in his days that the Israelites are ancestors of the present day Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews. I doubt they would be because we know that Moses was a black man and he could not have been successfully passed of as the son of a Caucasian Pharaoh.

It is important to also note that later dynasties discredited Akhenaten and his sons as enemies and criminals. Perhaps their reasons go beyond his apostasy?

What we do know is that the 18th dynasty was plagued by rulers without clear rights of succession. They also seemed to have a vision of a new and different Egypt and compared to the Middle Kingdom, their individual reigns lasted for dramatically shorter times.

Marriages in the New Kingdom

A feature of this 18th dynasty that probably indicates their identity is their marital practices. The 18th –dynasty all through till the Ptolemaic dynasty became marked with widespread incestuous marriages of very close kin. Some Pharaohs even married and fathered children with up to three of their own daughters. This practice suggests that they were descendants of the Canaanite Hyksos. Marrying cousins was not unusual, but procreating with a sister or daughter was very rare before the 18th dynasty.

There is a record that lists Ahhotep II, wife of the 18th Dynasty king Amenhotep I as “King’s Daughter, King’s Wife, King’s Mother”

Interestingly, the Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty are the most well known today. They include Akhenaten (the heretic pharaoh) who tried to change the religion of Egypt, his son Tutankhamun and Amenhotep III. They began the period commonly referred to as the New Kingdom dynasties of Egypt.

Genetics of the New Kingdom Pharaohs

A few years back, there was uproar when the face of king Tut was modeled. People complained that it didn’t have enough ‘black’ facial features. When his Y-DNA haplogroup came out as R1b1a2, it sparked media racial wars. Aryans felt vindicated and Africans screamed conspiracy.

However, R1b1a2 haplogroup is also found in significant densities in Central West African countries like Guinea (and they are dark skinned). It is possible that some populations of ancient Egypt migrated here in the wake of persistent foreign invasions. What grabs my attention about this is that R1b1a2 is the haplogroup that has been found closest to the Hyksos era. It may very well be the same haplogroup carried by the Pharaohs of the Hyksos dynasty. Akhenaten and Amenhotep III are also believed to belong to haplogroup R1b1a2.

Perhaps you are wondering where I am going with all the calculations and history? Well, what this calculation implies is that slavery of the children of Israel was not instituted by Egyptian Hamite rulers, but by the Hyksos foreign rulers of Egypt. We will look at the significance of this later, but first, let’s examine another slave story.

Slavery in the New World

We are all familiar with the arrival and gradual colonization of the Americas by the Europeans.

The first American colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Slavery began with the arrival of the first African slaves in 1619. This is a mere 12 years after the first colony was established.

The slave trade benefited every major European country and the Americas while decimating the Negro population of West and South Central Africa.

Transit through the middle passage over the Atlantic Ocean was accompanied by large fatalities. The unlucky survivors were then subjected to unspeakable brutality, continuous humiliation and often repeatedly raped. The survival prognosis in some plantations was as low as eight years; which in turn led to more importation of slaves.

The illusion of Emancipation

The transatlantic slave trade to America continued for 188 years until 1807 when it was banned. However illegal trading continued until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation as a means to recruit soldiers into the Union armies. The proclamation did not grant citizenship to the freed slaves, compensate their owners nor outlaw slavery. It was just a war strategy to maintain the American Union.

The 13th Amendment to the constitution was later passed ending slavery. However, this was ratified at the end of the civil war to include an exception. Slavery and involuntary servitude thereafter remained lawful only as a punishment for crime. If you are caught with stolen goods or illicit drugs, you legally become a slave of the state.

Mass incarceration of African American Negroes

After the ratification of the 13th amendment, Negroes (especially males) in America were rounded up en masse for crimes such as being ‘unemployed’ or looking at a white woman in a ‘strange’ way. The prisons filled up rapidly, and the new slaves were put to work on plantations, coalmines and other fields where laborers were required.

That situation remains till this day 398 years after the slave trade began. Numerous studies have shown that blacks are more likely to be stopped routinely by cops or jailed for minor offenses that a white guy would get a slap on the wrist for. Statistics indicate that black youths are nine times more likely than white youths to receive adult sentences for the same crime.

Y-DNA haplogroup R1 among Europeans and Hyksos

Now, why am I telling you all these stories you’ve already heard before? Well it is because of the startling resemblance between the Hyksos in Egypt and the Europeans in America. The Hyksos arrived in Egypt and within two decades began enslaving the Israelites. Likewise the Europeans acquired power in America and in 12 years began enslaving Africans snatched from an African kingdom called Judah. The Hyksos (likely with Y-DNA haplogroup R1) have the same Y-DNA as the Europeans who came to rule in America. R1 is also the most common haplotype in Europe (Wikipedia).

Below is a list of USA Presidents and Canadian PMs who belong to the R1 haplogroup.

USA presidents with R1 Y-DNA haplogroup

George Washington – R1b

John Adams – R1b

John Quincy Adams – R1b
Zachary Taylor – R1b1c
Franklin Pierce – R1b
James Buchanan – R1b
Abraham Lincoln – R1b1c
Ulysses Grant – R1b1b2
Grover Cleveland – R1b
William McKinley – R1b
Woodrow Wilson – R1b1c
John F. Kennedy – R1b
Donald Trump – R1b1a2

Most US presidents prior to the abolition of slavery owned slaves and eight of them owned slaves while president.

Canadian Prime Ministers with R1 Y-DNA haplogroup

John A. MacDonald – R1a1
Wilfred Laurier – R1b1a2
Jean Chretien – R1b1b2a1a

John MacDonald reportedly received compensation to free 100 slaves and he did not hide his support of the confederate army during the US civil war.

Other people with R1 haplogroup

Charles Darwin – He proposed the theory of Evolution

James D Watson – co-discoverer of the structure of DNA and believes the black man is incapable of intellectual accomplishment.

Joseph Smith – Founder of Mormonism

The Hyksos are ancestors of some Europeans

It seems to me that the Hyksos of Egypt and the founding fathers of America share the same ancestry and are likely the same people. They afflicted the children of Israel for 210 years in Egypt and now for almost 400 years in North America.

I have no doubt in my mind that the African Americans are the ancient Hebrew Israelites descended from the Hebrew slaves of Egypt. There are multiple scriptural passages that identify them as such, but that is not our topic for today. In their affliction, they built a wealthy nation, a superpower; the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Know Thine Enemy

The real enemy are Canaanites, not Edom, Egyptians or Hamites

What many African Americans do not realize is that the so-called Africans who sold you into slavery were mostly dark skinned Arabs and Muslims. Yes, some were also true Africans; there is no denying that. They did not sell slaves to Europeans because of hate; they sold them purely as a business venture. It is no different than African American pimps who sell their people into drug addiction and prostitution today. It is purely business to them.

The people who put you into the middle passage were Edomites (see my article on E1b1b), but your slave masters and plantation owners were overwhelmingly descendants of the Hyksos Canaanites that enslaved your ancestors in Egypt. The Hamites of Africa did not use your babies as crocodile baits, nor forced your women into slave breeding programs. They did not cut off your feet to prevent you escaping nor did they whip you till the flesh came off your backs. The R1 Canaanites did all of those. So stop raving on the street corners against every white man you perceive as an Edomite or every African you see. Know who your real enemy is.

Comparison of the Hyksos and Europeans

Table showing similarities between the Hyksos of Egypt and the Europeans of the New World

Canaan still lives in ‘Egypt’ today

We commonly quote Deuteronomy 28:65 to prove that the Israelites were sent into slavery by ships into America. So, let us see what that scripture does really say.

And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt AGAIN with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be SOLD UNTO YOUR ENEMIES for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.- Deuteronomy 28:65

For those who may not be familiar with this teaching, Egypt is often referred to in the Bible as the house of bondage.

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.– Exodus 20:2

America is a house of bondage. It is ironic that it is called land of the free and home of the brave.

Note the word again in the Deuteronomy passage. The Bible does not say who shall bring the Israelites to the house of bondage again. But we are told who will be doing the buying there, it’s the ENEMY. They are the ones who put Israel into bondage and who will not pay them reparations nor allow them to be redeemed.

Listen Israel, your real enemy was not at the shipping ports in Africa, they were already here in America (and Europe) waiting for you. Your enemy did not own the ships that transported you, they owned the plantations on which your ancestors labored. They already had the land, they already had the chains, they were just waiting for the slave ships to arrive. They bought the slaves like merchandise; remember Canaan’s name means ‘merchant’.

How can I confirm this? Read this passage in revelation:

And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. – Revelation 11:8

Egypt and the Canaanite land of Sodom represent the same thing, the same people. The Canaanites were in Egypt then, they are in Egypt now.

Canaan has always been a land thief

We all read the Biblical accounts of how the Most High commanded Israel to root out and destroy the Canaanites. We mostly assume that it is because they were nephilims. Many of the Canaanite tribes indeed had the gene including the sons of Anak (Numbers 13:28). However, the people at Jericho seemed pretty normal and they didn’t seem more evil than the next guy. They were destroyed nonetheless. Why? It was because they had broken their oath.

After the flood, the earth was divided among the children of Noah and a curse placed upon anyone who possessed land that was not allocated to him. Canaan the son of Ham against the wishes of his brethren went and took Shem’s land; which was thereafter named Canaan. The 66 canonical books in the KJV bible do not describe this incident; you will see it in the Book of Jubilees.

History makes us to understand that Canaan also tried this land grab in Egypt, the gentile isles and then the Americas. He succeeded in doing so many times. That was one of the reasons why The Most High wanted them rooted out and destroyed.

Do not abhor the Edomite or Egyptian

I have read articles and watched videos by black Hebrew Israelite groups that berate every Caucasian they meet. They claim every white man is an Edomite despite the obvious genetic and ancestral differences among them. Some Hebrew Israelite groups take delight in taunting every white person they meet with their thoughts on the ‘destruction’ of the white man. Assuming all white folks are Edomites (which they are not) Israelites are not nor ever have been commanded to hate Edomites. These Hebrew groups also mock Africans and appear to find joy in the suffering and death of countless innocent children on the continent.

Let us see what The Most High have to say about this?

Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. – Deuteronomy 23:7

Israelites are specifically commanded not to hate the Edomite or the Egyptian Hamite for different reasons.The Most High instructed Israel to kill the Canaanites in the land, not the Edomites. So I find it somewhat irritating when I see Israelite mockers standing on street corners yelling obscenities at passers by in the name of The Most High. They obviously have no clue what they are doing.

It is not okay to yell obscenities at anyone

Perhaps you are thinking, I don’t insult white people or Egyptians, just Kenyans and Ethiopians. Well, Matthew 5:22 makes it clear that just calling someone a fool is enough to put you at risk of damnation; never mind meaner obscenities. Besides, if you are so wise and smart, how come you were deceived all these years before you found the truth? What proof do you have that you are not wrong even now? So you read and interpreted scriptures and you think you have an understanding. Congratulations, but note that many generations before you thought they knew the scriptures. Just check out the history of the Church; today, we ‘understand’ that they were wrong.

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. – 1 Corinthians 10:12

The space between faithfulness and apostasy is just one doctrine wide. All it takes is one wrong revelation and eternity could be lost to us forever. So no matter how much we think we know, let us work our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). With a humble heart, let us put away all haughtiness and realize that we all are but men dependent on the Mercy and Grace of The Most High.

The Most High is not a serial killer

Our anger at America’s continued slave history is understandable. Our insistence on the Almighty’s delight in slaughtering men is not.

Again, when I say unto the wicked Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live. Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal. – Ezekiel 33:14-17

This passage makes it clear that if the wicked repent and turn from his wickedness, he will live and not die. Note verse 17 implies that the children of the Most High say that the Almighty is partial. They project their partiality unto the King of Kings. They say they are special and God will wipe out everyone but they.

Stop deceiving yourself, even the Messiah said that strangers will be in the kingdom while the children will be tossed out.

And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. – Matthew 8:11-12

If He was so eager as you say to kill people, why did he spare Rahab the harlot in Jericho? She was a Canaanite wasn’t she? And a prostitute for that matter. She was worse than all the scantily clad women that you yell obscenities at on the streets. Yet, she got saved.

How to know those that love The Most High

One thing we like to preach is this:

If ye love me, keep my commandments. – John 14:15

We place so much emphasis on obedience and faithfulness to the commandments.

We however conveniently forget this:

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. – 1 John 4:20-21

Perhaps you say to yourself, only the Hebrew Israelites are my brothers. Well read Deuteronomy 23:7 again, the Edomite is your brother. So stop ranting against everyone you think is him. Edom is still living predominantly around the Mediterranean. Know who your enemy really is and stop fighting like someone boxing the air.

May The Most High give us understanding and grace to do His perfect will on earth.


11 thoughts on “Hear O Israel, your real enemy is the Hyksos of Canaan, not Esau


Brother Yudah, I would like to know, if you ever read the book of the patriarch, the book about the fight of Adam and Eve too. These ones are contained in the ethiopian bible i think. Lessings and Peace upon you in Yeshua’s name.


    Hi Abital,

    Yes, I have read the book of Adam and Eve.


ben Yasharahla

Since the Hyksos were expelled 9 years before the birth of Moses who was the Pharaoh and his daughter who wouldn’t let the Hebrews go.

ben Yasharahla

If the Hyksos were expelled before the birth of Moses who was the Pharaoh and his daughter who wouldn’t let the Hebrews go


    Hi Ben,

    The Egyptian Pharaoh in 1446/1447 BC would be Menkheperre Thutmose III. During the first 22 years of his reign, he was co-regent with his stepmother and aunty. I have no information about any daughters he may have had. Pharaohs generally had ‘lesser’ wives with whom they often fathered children. Unless a princess became queen very little is documented about her.
    Some Scholars however believe Thutmose II (1492–1479 BC) was the Pharaoh at the exodus.


Ben Yasharahla

After the Hyksos dynasty ended who was the pharaoh of the book of Exodus

Ben Yasharahla

The second intermediate period(the Hyksos dynasty) was from 1650-1550 BC. Yet you put the Hyksos dynasty as being 1674- 1653 BC. It also seems there are still hyksos pharaohs after this time.


    Hi Ben,

    See below two statements I made from the article:

    “The year 1526 is a mere nine years after Ahmose I kicked out the 17th dynasty Hyksos rulers in Thebes and reunified Egypt. The 15th -17th Hyksos dynasties had been in power 139 years (1674-1535 BC) before Ahmose I kicked them out of Thebes”.

    I believe it answers your question. I do not think that I claimed the Hyksos ruled for a mere 21 years.

    The 15th dynasty began in 1674 BC according to wikipedia, but there are indications that the hyksos arrived in Egypt as early as the 12 dynasty around 1800 BC. Their influence in the land did not begin immediately nor end for sometime after their last ruler was expelled.


      Ben Yasharahla

      Thank you for your explanation brother.

      Ben Yasharhla

      Thanks brother for your explanation.

C Oden

“The historian Josephus narrates an account of two Hyksos exodus into Canaan around the time of the 16th dynasty. Egyptian records also indicate that there was an exodus of Lepers around this time.” are you implying that the Hyksos were the expelled colony of lepers here? I think this would go far in explaining the sin of Ham and the curse (which I believe was descriptive and not prescriptive) of Canaan. I have heard it explained that when Ham “uncovered his father’s nakedness” that is a euphemism for having slept with his own mother? And the question would be why?? Canaan was Ham’s fourth son. Why all of a sudden would he feel the need to then go up and take his father’s wife, his own mother? Could it be that when Canaan was born he bore the physical traits of the same ppl who were washed away in the flood and so Ham knew that his wife’s DNA was contaminated? Would pale skin, red hair, etc (as the Hyksos seem to be depicted) be a hallmark of the Nephilim? Is this how the Nephilim dna was reintroduced in the promised land? By thieving Canaan with his detestable religious practices?


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