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18 Reasons why I study Extra-Canonical books and Apocrypha - Condir 18 Reasons why I study Extra-Canonical books and Apocrypha - Condir "zone name","placement name","placement id","code (direct link)" direct-link-1966439,DirectLink_1,23667452,

18 Reasons why I study Extra-Canonical books and Apocrypha

August 29, 2017 - Our time, Today


The apocrypha and extra-canonical books have always been a controversial set of books. Numerous people disapprove of them because of the believe that they were inserted into the 1611 King James Bible by the Catholic church to support its doctrines. When I converted to Christianity many years ago, I was strongly discouraged from reading it to avoid exposure to ‘doctrines of demons’. It is only within the last 14 months when I became aware of the Hebrew awakening and the 2 Esdras 13 teaching that I found the courage and motivation to ‘dabble’ into the Apocryphal books.

Since it is a journey I started only recently, I cannot and will not claim to know all that is written therein or that the books have not been tampered with by the heathen. I have found them very helpful and they have given me a whole new understanding of Scriptures, the Most High and the world around me. To say that these books have enriched my life is an understatement.

This post is therefore written in response to those who forcefully write off the apocrypha because of some content they found confusing. Remember that segments of the Canonical books have issues many of us question, nevertheless we did not throw the whole book away. Why then do we discard the old testament apocrypha simply because we read a bad review. Emperor Constantine or even King James himself may not have liked the books, afterall, they are but men – like us.

Below are 18 reasons why I will keep reading the extra-canonical books including the apocrypha:

18 reasons

  1. The Messiah and early believers read it and quoted from it. – The story of the Woman married seven times (Luke 20:29-36) is also in Tobit. The Messiah’s lamentation about wanting to gather Israel together as a hen (Matthew 23:37) is found in 2 Esdras 1:30. Jude 1:14 makes a statement attributed to Enoch. That statement can only be seen if you read the book of Enoch.

  2. There are numerous references to these books in the Bible (Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18, Numbers 21:14, 1 Kings 11:41, 1 Kings 14:19, 1 Kings 14:29, 2 Kings 22:8, 2 Kings 23:2 and 23:24, 2 Chronicles 29:29, 2 Chronicles 12:15, 2 Chronicles 20:34, Ezra 4:15, Nahum 1:1 and Mathew 1:1). I have never even come across half of these books, many are believed to have been destroyed by the Romans.

  3. They reveal a lot of truth that has been hidden from us. For example, it is not the Babylonians who burnt the Temple, it was the Edomites in their ranks (1 Esdras 4:45)

  4. They tell us the direction where the tribes of the Northern kingdom went to after leaving Assyria in 2 Esdras 13:45. They went Westwards through Arsareth by land into the African continent. Most will remain beyond the rivers of Ethiopia (Zephaniah 3:10). They are not and where never really lost, the powers that be deliberately hid their identity from the rest of the world.

  5. They tell us how the Greeks became Jews and their plans to annex Jerusalem as the capital of their world government (2 Maccabees 9:14-17).

  6. They reveal that the Greeks have changed the messiah and the scriptures into their own image (1 Maccabees 3:48). The image of Zeus was presented as Christ the Savior.

  7. The book of wisdom prophesied about the father who would turn his dead perverted son into a god that would be worshiped worldwide. Caesar Borgia aka white Jesus replaced the image of Zeus (Wisdom 14:15-16). He is now worshiped worldwide as the image of the savior.

  8. They answer some of the traditional questions that atheists have about the Bible thus clearing the confusion. Examples include how Cain and Seth married their sisters (Jubilees 4), and how Cain died.

  9. They explain in more details why and how the world became so messed up today. How the Heathen present the dark skinned Hebrews as Canaanites and passed off the Caucasian Canaanites/Edomites as Hebrew in their stead. It was a simple color switch; the lie was simple but big, repeated many times until we all believed it. 2 Esdras 6:9 talks about how Edom wrecks havoc in the world and notes that his end will come.

  10. They present the missing history sections of scripture. These include where Esau went to and who really invaded Europe. It mentions some of the things that Joseph did in Egypt

  11. They explain why we have massive Church buildings that milk out the people through tithes and offerings that the wolves gobble up. The Church buildings are gigantic collection houses that the heathen built to tax the masses according to Canaanite religions. It is therefore appropriate that the early churches were built over ancient pagan altars.

  12. Tells us why the maths doesn’t add up in the 430 years in Egypt. The Israelites were not enslaved with hard labour for four hundred years in Egypt, but for 210 years (Jasher 81:3-4, and see exodus in Septuagint for true meaning of the 430 years). The four hundred years of affliction spoken of to Abraham is the transatlantic slave trade.

  13. Identifies features of the eagle nation that afflicts and sheds the blood of nations worldwide and how its end shall be (2 Esdras 11-12).

  14. They tell us what the real purpose of tithes and offerings are. A lifeline for the widows and fatherless children, not for jets and mansions for the preacher (3 Maccabees 3)

  15. We learn a lot more about the Nephilim and what they looked like (Jubilees 5 and  Enoch 105)

  16. They explain that the law is eternal and will be obeyed even after this world has passed away (Jubilees 2).

  17. They explain how the earth was divided after the flood among Noah’s children. This helps us to understand that North America was originally inhabited by descendant’s of Ham, not Shem (jubilees 8).

  18. It is fun reading, full of action, horrors and sagas.

I am sure other readers will have their favorite reasons for reading these ‘hidden’ books. My goal is just to draw your attention to the knowledge locked up within them.

Be blessed in the Name of the Most High.

9 thoughts on “18 Reasons why I study Extra-Canonical books and Apocrypha


Thou art a God-sent to this lost generation in quest of TRUTH.
Yah Bless !


    Hi Kyovel,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    I am just another laborer in the vineyard of The Most High. I try to do my part.


Ben Yasharahla

I have been reading the Book of Jasher recently. I have many portions of it contradict Torah. One of the sites that list some of these contradictions(plus Unbiblical concepts):

Are you able to explain any of these contradictions?


    Hi Ben,

    I scanned through the link in your comment and the arguments are very biased based on what is taught in the Church now. For instance, the author mentions snow being impossible before the flood. That argument is based on the understanding that snow has always come from above. Note that before rain ever fell from above, there was a mist that went up from the ground to water the earth. What if snow worked the same way?

    Under his list of contradictions, he states:

    “Jasher 47:9 says Isaac dies, according to the chronology of Jasher, Joseph was in Egypt but in Gen. 35:29 Isaac died before Joseph had his dreams”

    This understanding is based on the wrong conclusion that the stories are all written chronologically. If you do the calculation, Isaac died at age 180 (Gen 35:28), He was 60 years old when Jacob was born (Gen 25:26). This means that Jacob was 120 when Isaac died, and he came to Egypt 10 years later (Gen 47:9) at which time Joseph had already been in Egypt for 17 years. This all means that Joseph was already in Egypt for seven years at the time Isaac died. So Jacob was still mourning for Joseph when Isaac died and so, Jasher 47:3-7 does not contradict the KJV Bible as the author implied. The authors statement about Joseph’s dream is therefore not true.

    Under the ‘wholly Unbiblical portion of Jasher’ section, the author stated:

    “Jasher 81:3-4 claims that the Israelites sojourned in Egypt for 210 years whereas the Scripture says in Exodus 12:40-41 it was 430 years.”

    I have written an article on my blog that indicates that this portion of Jasher too is likely accurate. The Septuagint states that the 430 years timeline started from when Jacob arrived into Canaan from Mesopotamia (Ex 12:40-41 Septuagint).

    I could go on about the inaccuracy of a number of his arguments in the article, but there’s no need to. I think for anyone to write to debunk an entire book, he should at least understand the data he is presenting. There is always a need to crosscheck with multiple books and dictionaries. A careful reading between the lines will disprove many arguments.

    I hope this helps.



I have noticed 3 of what seem to be contradictions in the book of Jubilees

Contradiction 1) According to Jubilees 3:1-3 Adam named all the beasts, cattle, birds, everything that moved on the Earth and everything that moved in the water.

Genesis 2:20 says that Adam only named the cattle, birds and beasts.

Contradiction 2) According to Jubilees 2:3 TMH created the heavens, angels and the waters.

According to Genesis 1:1 God created the Earth, Heaven & Light on the First day(Jubilees is missing Earth & Light)

Contradiction 3) According to Jubilees 2:3 Angels were created on the first day along with Heaven but according to Job 3:28 The Angels sang as TMH laid the foundations of the Earth.


    Dear Dion,

    Thank you for your comment. The presence of what can be interpreted as contradictions in scripture is often a give away sign that we may not yet understand the facts presented in the passage. We are all familiar with the seemingly numerous contradictions in the KJV, yet most still accept is as valid. An example is the notorious question of where Cain’s wife came from if the creator only made Adam and eve who became parents to Cain and his brother.

    Besides, i’m not sure I see the contradictions you state.

    Contradiction 1 – Genesis 2:20 does not state that Adam


    named all the creatures listed in this verse. There is nothing in there that says he did not name those in the water also, so he very well could have done so. Silence on the water creatures does not necessarily mean exclusion.

    Contradiction 2 – Jubilees 2:2 does include earth and light “…He created the abysses and the darkness, eventide (and night), and the light…”

    Contradiction 3 – Job 38:7 does not give a time frame. We do not know if the foundation of the heaven and earth was built instantantly on the same day that the angels were made. We unconsciously assume that such a huge creation would need time to make. However, if all it took was His word, then i don’t see any scripture that says it didn’t happen on the same day. This of course is only my opinion on the subject.

    I hope this helps



Is it true that the book of Jasher interprets the Nephillim as being children of human rulers & females.Is that the correct interpretation as I thought it was angels & females?

Jasher 4:18
18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.


    Hi Dion,

    The book of Jasher does call them judges and rulers as you mentioned above. Interpretation however depends on who is reading the text. By that, I mean that the KJV version in Genesis 6 is often translated by some to mean men also. They use some scriptures to back up such interpretation. Also, some would tell you that judges and rulers (Jasher 4:18) in those days were not ordinary men especially if you consider what they were doing as described in the verse. Is such knowledge even possible for regular humans in that time and age?

    Personally, I match multiple books or scripture to form an opinion about a subject.For instance, Jasher chapter 2 talks about men using brass, iron, wood and stone to make images for worship. The book of Enoch indicates that those skills were taught to men by the watchers. So when you match different references, you can easily come to the conclusion that there were fallen angels living among them.

    But you are right, Jasher refers to them as rulers, not fallen angels.



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